Friday, December 20, 2019

EXPLICITY ( explicit ) !

III : III : I : II : II : I
ה מ פ ו ר ש
III : II : VI : VIII : IV : V
V : VIII : V : III : IX
ל פ ד ת
II : V
נ ב

-onomy explicitly describes meaningful order of words, like Hebrew word for repetition, Mishnah, it returns meaning to sequence, paying attention to each individual ideo- or logo-gram; this sequential order delineates worldview of individual. Worldview of individual gives rise to spirit of law.
Law attempts to redeem aspect of it to aspects of it which we feel already indebted to. Austin Osman Spare writes: “The law is so contemptible that its chief service should be to estimate its [own] injustice.” So, what can we buy back to ourselves if we already pay charges subsequent to foreclosure due to conformity to laws or rules? We only surface and emerge as pawned possessions to system which sells us back to ourselves as identity commodified. But we already knew this.

Post-script, or after scribe, we describe … what we came here to explore; what we shall call “explicity” of very description of meaning, way words happen through repetition, once again mishnah, mishnah, mishnah … lishnah, repetition to sleep, this bedtime story, this sense of arrangement and train of thought, yet reducing, reduced to letter or individual character in sequential order to portray cosmovision, flash forward, and life stance, even ideology of personality. How outlook of soul responds to own name, solipsis interrupted by its call, aloud, but, then, conformation to fundamental-social-legal prescription(s). For example, fashion. Rosicrucians believed that, in order to remain in secret fraternity, any member of Rosicrucian organisation should do well to make sure to dress in raiment of local establishment.

Nomos, originally meant “pasture” or “field” but also alludes to division of labour and rise of industrial agriculture. From this we see domesticated man and great suffering of animal. Dispensation and allotment of surplus value leads to wealth-regulated oligarchy of control. This nomos binds us. Conformation expressed as obedience to such law. Name as resistance to nomos, concentration of our subjectivity broken when we hear what name we go by; our call. This true redemption identifies us and harks back to innocent days when we learned to respond to this call.

Poets personified Nomos as daimona of ordinance and assigned him consort of piety, or Eusebeia; justice came from daughter of their union, Dike. This genealogy of morals forms what we shall call “dorso” (Esperanto word for spine). Dorso runs throughout this text, down middle, but branching out with tendrils of signifiance. Marriage of ancient code of laws to piety did indeed bring about forms of justice. Fear your gods by performing actions appropriate to them. Sacred awe married to reverence leads to wellness. We look for this in each other and in role-models or even celebrity. Nature of piety reveals itself as such; this wellness engendered through vehicle of sacredness. Dorso continuo; you respect what earns you respect. You do.

Tradition dictates social relationships, or you do? What we relate to depends upon diction – or outworking of storytelling – of conformity. This nomos tells us to conform to social attitude of surrounding peoples, much like Rosicrucian fashion already mentioned. But explicity alludes to name only. Nomos versus name. Someone to blame! How funny, then, that we would, at one time, propitiate abstract ideas such as piety and justice by another name? Soteriology of soul depends upon its name. This we call explicity, to form suitable neologism to build dorso.

Dorso carries new nomos from this sequence of words; history of our time specifically relates to this. Inasmuch, social constructs come from labels we give them and with this in mind we can begin to construct relationship of explicity to nomos. It forms its own bipolar dialectic. Social constructs make up social contract to inform things like political behaviour and even extending to customs that affect people's habits. This not proverb. We take our daily activities for granted, everything governed by some rule of some sort.

This certain formula means dropping all article to examine how we develop new vernacular. Dorso continuo: formula E-Prime also. No “being,” except in speech (or, quotation), and, as already mentioned, no article, definite or indefinite.

From developing this new vernacular we arrive at sort-of agitprop ideological construction as well as idiomatic/idiosyncratic way of speaking through this writing.

Dorso then begins to describe face, or faciality, beginning at mouth, open, telling, saying something; notably producing feeling. Faciality: zero-point-infinity. It becomes clear now and apparent that we begin to accrue terminology, especially that of novelty, which, hopefully, will become tendrils of Dorso.

This zero-point-infinity exists as Omega point of smallest inversion, eternal return, mathematical recursion, such as π . Only moment of conception can adequately relate to this notion, yours and my dissolution; mutual orgasm.

That which precedes this holds no meaning. This “no thing” truly present in everything hints to us that from void matter emerged. This nothing new. Ancient texts tell us this. But, how? I feel a certain archaic Aristotleanism wrestle with me here about how to convey following sentiments. Sentiments, elements. In, and by which order, do we arrange, chronologically, as coming into action, from contemplation, elemental succession? Worthy question, no? Let us say that light exhibits highest frequency vibration of energy. Can we reasonably say, then, that two most fundamental elements that make up light source, Our Sun, we categorise, for want of a better word, principal elements of periodic table, hydrogen and helium. Fire composes Our Sun – this Aristotlean logic, even if outdated, would place fire as primary alchemical element ( 🜂 ). Or do gases that make up stars, like Our Sun, represent air as precedent element to fire? Burning air, air on fire. Or is primary element, hydrogen, essentially a dust therefore earthly?

Our Ancient Text says that world came from face of deep. Do waters exist above heavens? Tears testify to this. So, then, do elements come in natural succession? I'd like to think so. Gases first, hydrogen and helium, gaseous air alchemy, mixing to create fire, somehow condensation forming water from subsequent elements of hydrogen and oxygen, and by this point we know that oxygen formed atmosphere of our planet to which we refer to as “Terra” – final element, then, earth ( 🜃 ). Yet Animistic Spirit drove all these collaborative elements and supersedes them.

We must look upon Animistic Spirit as closest thing to primitive “soul.” Meaning: volition and intelligence. However, evolution of man as collective consciousness brings about Nietzschean “Oversoul,” whereby it even indicts individual soul as something requiring an overcoming. We can approach self-overcoming as discipline to better improve our situation, par excellence.

Obscurity waits alone in solitude from abode where my most painful memory lives. Memory and pain run down through Dorso from head, yet, also from heart. Heart pumps blood. Dick fills up with blood. Blood-master. “We know you are coming master and we await your arrival.” Messianic-hermeneutic. Hectic. Hic et ubique. Ubiquity. Don Quixote. Quixotic. Extremely idealistic and unrealistic. Hic et ubique. Should we enquire about ubiquitousness? No, we speak about act of speech. Actually, we hear speech everywhere. I had so many aspirations; like keeping records. Kind of like this one, but metrical, almost statistical. Creating statistics instead of merely becoming one. Magnetic North, Bipolar South, my head goes West, my eyes look East. Tear in fabric of reality; dark hole opening up in front of me. Augoeides! Threat to gods. This obscurity describes explicity. Describing opening of Augoeides as non-luminous body, body-without-body, obscurity as absence of something, lacking that which we can observe. A dark shadow opens up to swallow existence. An entrancement. Whilst experiencing attritional agony of indifference. We can't trust it. Suspicion of what lies below surface gives rise to it.

Do you realise what it means to read through this philosophy without hint of “being” and without definite articles? What does it do? You do. I feel that it should form part of descriptive manual for interpreting reality via omission. That which lacks describes that which can open up. Language binds us. Therefore, we must excoriate it. Set it to de rigeur. I saw someone from my past today; glancing looking beckoning yet not fully recognising. We chose to ignore. Chose or choose? We see this everyday we choose to remain apart. Life becomes alienating when we refuse to recognise that which we recognise within each other but fail to acknowledge. But would she acknowledge me if she knew me now? These days I still live with much regret over time when I sliced open main vein on my penis to extract wine cup full of blood to use in theurgic ritual, but not before it had spilled all over bathroom floor. I bled out a lot. This not only despicable thing I did. In psychiatric ward full of crazy people, where everyone else's problems become your own, I expressed confusion and madness of it all by eating my own shit. This called “coprophagia.” Call me shithead and I admit to it freely. I don't tell you these things to explain how I may or may not view myself as some sort of pariah. I do it because it forms part of exercise of my exorcism. Exorcise me!

Because character describes, yes, I know we use descriptive adjective much in this essay, but, character describes philosophy. Essentially, biography to elicit truths. Experiential consequentialism. Call it that! Since there consequences to each action, each action describes its own truth. We must scrutinise our deepest regrets and use them to elicit truthful meaning about why we made choices or remain in ignorance. Regret improves future decision-making: in this way it fits social-Darwinian model. Improvement. My depravity improves me. My excellence eludes me. But I still tell its story. Nothing can stop me. I become unstoppable. But we must return to formula. How do tendrils extend from Dorso here? We must re-collect fragments of narrative and either depict or portray essential features of this text which aims to instruct those on path of scrutiny. Whether my actions describe my process or whether my process describes my philosophy we subject all of it to scrutiny. This how we see. Make it visible. Visible in order to be indivisible. Break it down in order to see whole edifice. I remember when I wrote, previously, of my “artifice.” Artifice meaning stratagem device of deception. I corrupted this word “Opiate” once ago. I did it by replacing vowels and consonants in certain sequences to keep this word close to its original meaning yet make it different sounding.  Result: ORIANO. Linchpin of my philosophy. Yet, completely and utterly artificial. What does connoisseur do? You do. Dorso continuo: what do you do? But artificer much like connoisseur. Generating thought from substances. Or, more like interpretations. Interpretations designed to mystify and defy boundaries of realities to conform to new realities. Eat shit and die, muthafucka. I did. But, yet to die. You die. You do. Dorso continuo: discontinuities bend time and space.  Artifice hides artificer.

This like simulacrum; no symbol behind it. But what if symbol protrudes from centre of individual as cast in projection of astral action? Everyone projects their identity as part of their personalities. How many of our personalities subsidised by salaries? Probably most of our adversaries! Friendship returns us to our initial enquiry; solipsistic soteriology. We know each other by name. We embrace each other's shame. Unless we don't? I admit that I lost many friends because of my shit-eating and blood-spilling mental disorder. But disorder now informs my outworking. I don't lay claim to anything other than what I experience. On a daily basis. Wisdom comes through stasis. It suspires. To quote Leonard Cohen: “I used to live alone before I knew you.” So many people afraid of their own solitude that they compromise to share their experience with mediocre people. It waters down that time that when it comes to sharing their experience with others socially that they refer to their cohabitations with those they choose to compromise with. Don't get me wrong; intimacy edifies us. It forms part of bond. But, I say this elsewhere in other writings: when soul loses individuality, soul loses its integrity.

Dorso continuo: ORIANO. Plaiting tendril. Now. You must understand that ORIANO came from corruption of word “opiate.” This did not occur unintentionally. It represents ancient wisdom. Imagine dawn sky, blushing light blue and pink. Think. Envisage this dawn sky as description of essence of ORIANO. Prophet Muhammad fulfilled Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative, meaning, “will to make your maxim universal law.” Now, understand that Prophet Muhammad made Allah categorical imperative through his volition alone. Now, understand that ORIANO performs same task. To remain concise: ORIANO embodies highest intellectual value pattern of dynamic quality. Since quality prevails as main substance of reality.

II : III : II : I : II : II
VII : II : I : I : V : VII
IX : III : II : VI : III
Σ Ν Ε ¶

Twenty First Century Philosophy. Kinda like pornography; exciting at first. An emerging of something. We draw upon thousands of years of practice; social dynamic quality. My younger brother: higher evolutionary life pattern than me because of his responsibility. Responsibility, run towards me! After we exorcise meaning in this text. It seeks out readers. It aims to change minds through its formula. Dorso continuo: Classification Lambda-Gamma. Classified in a way. Explicit to those who seek it. Those who seek it will draw from it what they will and then from that aim to institute their own categorical imperative. Or follow ORIANO.  Following: those who emerge after its initiation.

We initiate sexual revolution on a daily basis. Participatory dance moves, social mores, conditions of “fitting in.” Doing our part. Everyone competing with everyone else. Until hierarchy forms. Yet we can see emergence of new system. Filiarchy. Age of individualism. We lived through Matriarchy at dawn of civilisation and then Patriarchy organised us as progress broke us to remake us. Now we see emergence of Filiarchy. Imagine Glossolalia in Matriarchal suburbia. Or, even echolalia of playground as children dance around playground, running and playing, kissing and chasing. But mothers not in suburbia still feel echolalia, it seeks to draw towards them in their institutionalisation of striated space. Imagine staircases and traffic lights, all points of intersection form striated space. Imagine open landscape of rolling hills: we describe this as smooth space, opposite to striated space. So what does it mean now that women operate in striated space? Lines of intersection form patterns of expression, jossling with employment competition, yet still in reception of children's spiritual play. At least, from afar. These women, they want to know what they gave up or may or may not lose by operating in striated space. Notice holes in your face. Every orifice gets penetrated: eyes with images; ears with sounds; nose with odours. Noxious filters. I argue that senses deprive us. Senses seek to distract us from our soteriological overcoming.
I consumed menstrual blood; not for first time nor for last time. Consider it sacrament. We consume yeast regularly, like in beer. But more exquisite when it comes from pussy. Self-cleaning. As I write this we approach general election in Great Britain. I do not know relevance or ramification upon this excursion. Note: libidinal interruption causes psychological excursion. This general election: will it set up conditions for revolution? To my imagination, leader of revolution must recruit from rural areas, gaining reputation with locals first of all, only to storm capital city once acquisition of grass roots support manifests. We must appreciate that fate of this world, what jews call “Assiah,” meaning world of action, depends upon what we identify as powers and principalities, Satanic infrastructure of hierarchy, structure which shadow men seek to propitiate in order to wield influence themselves. But, as written: nothing can separate us from love of God. And, yes, I do believe in it, despite my former depraved behaviour. Qosem (rhymes with same); this my game. I cannot teach it, only attempt to explain effect of it. Qosem means “mage.” Mage gives birth to sage. At this stage, in this age, bleeding ink upon this page, at my age, it works like a phage. It seeks to infect, infect reality to return to me dividends of spiritual investment. When, really, it works like conditioning of our mind to reprogram way we perceive reality in order to negotiate with it and, ultimately, get what we want. You do. I no longer work. I merely practice. Praxis comprises two dimensions: i) practical theurgy; & ii) this writing process – description of faciality since face expresses all emotions we can feel. My face stares into this text. Our meeting of face-to-face occurs in this descriptive place. Dorso continuo: reject this theurgy which I describe. Certainly don't do it; leave it to me as expert. Imagine me as addicted pervert. Perverting course of justice by altering code of what constitutes morality, subverting it daily, worshipping stars as intermediaries. I successfully made contact with torch-bearer entity, Luciferian red orb appearing before me well into night watches. Upside down question mark appears in white orb and asks me what I want. If you had one wish, what would you ask for? I spoke in tongues at it and on aeroplane flight over Baltic, special alphabet of desire revealed itself to me in notebook. See below. Auctor Sancto Libro! My ambition with this, I aim to commission construction of printing press to create cultural artefacts from these glyphs.  Ultimate Grimoire! But, for now, we will simply continue exorcism. Guided by its dæmon. Much like Socrates but without its logical reductionism. Remember: solipsism. Movement of explicity describing consequentialism. Choices inform it. But it purports to open up lines of flight between choices and their relationships to each other. We explain lines of flight as wasp flying around petals of flower tracing its pattern of growth. Choices trace our patterns of growth; consequentialism explains these patterns of complicity. Complicity of explicity, reject this theurgy. Refuse, Amen. We believe.

Everyone expresses faith. Everybody prays to something. Explicity encourages denial of believing in order to promote new understanding. Dorso continuo: ORIANO. Results of theurgy. Addicted to this corrupted opiate. It means what it means. Ways and means. Means to an end. Holding hands makes ends meet. Making ends meet. How sweet! Focus on feeling in your feet. Dominatio Terreus. Superus Dominus. Obscure series of gestures alongside execution of Latin phrases works to inscribe its message on your body, should you choose to follow me. You made it this far. Dare to continue? Dorso continuo: mystical body. No word about our soul, rather, your body feels and experiences changes and creates feedback loop which reprograms your constitution. You wear it. You do. Consume your opiate in order to satiate.

I wonder if Jesus Christ truly, nay, verily, verily knows that I accept Jesus Christ? I find light pollution appealing. Warm sense of glowing. Enveloping. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ablanathanalba. Bell does ring. I will never quit smoking. Much like menstrual blood consuming. An ending. End of Ayah.


Time signature. Alembic pentameter. Alif, Laam, Meem forms Arabic notation, angelic punctuation.


Ligature, denoting Ego to-and-fro, hairs-like-so. Dischevelled. Hairs, plural. Messed up.
I once had nine orgasms in succession. I felt like satyr, chased through forest by choir of nymphs. Another time I ejaculated standing, stood on tip toes, performing plié. I understand this as mastery of my animal. Base self expressing itself.

"Infinite possibilities await you. Arcane powers will crackle at your fingertips. Exotic oracles will seduce you under crimson skies." I read that somewhere. I forget where due to constant newsfeed but it stood out and I remember it well. I will probably get done for copyright infringement. But if I do it will act as measure to guage measure of my success. This kind of philosopher I aim to embody. What does ORIANO embody? Highest quality!

My dybbuk made me create angelic harp tuning on guitar. C#, F, C#, Ab, Ab, c#. I used to paint. One of my paintings got exhibited in Maastricht.  Rest of them got fly-tipped by former landlord. Other recordings destroyed and lost to history. What fuckery! I destroyed over forty scholarly notebooks full of sigilisations and glyphs because I felt grieved at loss of my one true love. Like character in movie Stay where protagonist idolises artist who destroyed all his work and then committed suicide. I made attempts upon my own life on two occasions taking overdoses of my psychiatric medications. Heart palpitations, chaos ensuing, not knowing whether living or dying, breathing failing. Breathing failing because I will never quit smoking, instead respiration lowering, Hesperus rising to my repetitious invoking. Lokupleto resents it. I make Kedemel potion from bitter herbs and fruits from low-cost supermarkets, kinda tastes like Aperol Spritz. Alcohol essential. Essentially tipsy. Radiating beauty. Beauty brought forth from truth of character, readily admitting to failure. Taking a ride on loser cruiser, bus wanker. I mean, I don't masturbate openly on public transport, or anything. In case you thought from reading this that you wouldn't put it past me but I did at one time used to dance naked in nightclubs to gabber breakcore music. "Go naked for a sign," writes Hakim Bey. He got into trouble, too. Advocating mail fraud. Dorso continuo: authenticity. Authenticity encourages explicity. To gain recognition for power of your own name. In your name, your cause. Pause. Pause for thought. Reflect on tendrils of Dorso. Broken back, broken in, like broken hymen, bleeding for first time and then continuing to provide for me my sacrament. So fragrant!

Cure for anxiety, whether social or personal, means getting personal about acting social. Ability to rationalise your neurosis to your counsellor or significant other brings about understanding of what wrenches your gears into action or what inhibits their free movement. Especially if your counsellor sits adjacent. Exorcising reticence. It took me over three years to arrive at this point of levity. Now, levity does not mean frivolity or flippancy, more like buoyancy. How about some geomancy?  Notation works well for haikus. As follows ...

• • • • • ي
• • ¶ • • • ي
• • • • • ي §

I won't make visible actual haiku that this notation describes; poetry relies on omission. Herr Zwischen, missionary position. » Ficken gewissen leben, meine bestimmtes Deutsches mädschen! « I sometimes speak in Italian. My favourite phrase explains that because all war comes to its end then, as consequence of struggle, prized artworks become vulnerable to destruction. Much like my own! So, burn Mona Lisa to a cinder. Unless civilisation ends, in which case we smuggle Mona Lisa. Dorso continuo: art, science, expression. Perpetuo. This comprises my own personal rubric of ORIANO. Ancient mystical wisdom comes from corruption. My close friend described me as significantly most corrupt guy in surrounding area where we live. I go by two names. I may as well launder money. But I remain free. I know what true freedom means. To not feel encumbered by societal norms, whether I chose to express myself as some sort of outlier or pariah I committed my confession to fire and almost burned down hospital! That damn psychiatric ward.

Let us talk about empathy. It means type of substitutionary expiation on behalf of others. That means accepting your true enemy. Like Kurt Cobain sang: "as a friend, as a known enemy." To use worn-out cliché: keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Closer together. Good and evil. Keep them close together, lest they oppose one another. Binary psychology, this Jungian duality of man, unacceptable to jew who transposes matter into spirit. My method involves drawing spirit down into matter, becoming demiurge and affecting participatory creation that way. Opposite way to jew. But who gives? You do. Or you should do. You do you. I do me. Holy Trinity, they say, nothing but idolatry, and that we should pay for it with our lives, according to Noahide laws death penalty for all idolators. I wonder if we'll ever see such system brought to bear upon us. Our past testifies that it can happen again.

For acting certain way, like degenerate, I suffered. This memoir, although it attempts to reach for some level of philosophical conversation, reads like manifesto of shame. But only in admitting all of this, through confession can we arrive at compassion. I advocate nothing: to restate earlier assumption, only through realising that such work, indeed all works of art, initially predicated on nothing, since we require vacuum like space to elicit something, don't ask me how it works, I simply want to refute this "thingness" in favour of what we participate in as presence of absence. I creates out of its tension, beginning from total annihilation and then rebuilding using fragments from debris of that which remained post-destruction. My only reason. Coping with loss. Can you think of anything more apt to describe loss of everything other than presence of absence? It describes it perfectly despite paradoxical recognition. Union of opposites. Mutual toleration of sub-contraries. Dorsoism-syllogism refracting prism. I used to worry about money, like when I didn't possess much I would worry, and when I had some I would worry until day I realised that this worry maintained my Eidolon or servitor which took care of all my business for me. Walt Whitman described it this way. We unconsciously create entities, like entities to watch over our monies and that our conscious worries feed their tummies. Babies sucking mummies. "Whose god is their bellies," wrote Apostle Paul, referring to gluttony as idolatry. But Mike Patton sang: "Prepare for a series of comfortable miracles, from fastings to feastings." Secret meetings. World domination, ultimate supremacy orchestratings in regal buildings with cryptic handshakings. JFK gets taken out. JFK outta their way. Everybody else lives to see another day. I want to make up for lost time. I do this through discipline. But, as a philosopher do I show contempt for working man as some sort of elitist liberal espousal? I do not think my shit-eating will garner me that kind of following. Although, I excel at what I do, even if I choose to eat poo. I show no contempt for common people and as evidence of this I now not only brush my teeth, but I floss and mouthwash. But bad taste of that memory still lingers a bit.

Welcome to date rape. Rohypnol! Hung himself. Been there. Hangman, Jack. No union. Hangman. He wanted an ending to banal game of words. Hungover for months after. Another failure. This life. Kissing strangers until they become familiars. Kissing strangers. How it all begins, no? Mercenaries. Armies. Cipher-lock weapon chain-of-command systems. Ani ( אֲנִי ) Generalissimo. Tactical formations. Three-five-two. We stand behind you. Pit men against gods. We shall win gross victory through green paper policy recommendation. Mendacity. Paid salary. Made. Paid. Laid. Man-made. Net-paid. Waylaid. Delayed. Not what. Not what he sees. Not what he says. But what he smells. Burnt offering. Sweet-smelling savour of Red Heifer. Expiation of human. Extracting animal-vegetal-mineral, and I could not wish for better life right now. Do you? You do. Don't you? How do you do? How do you very do do!

Dorso continuo: we read language as, typically, subject, verb, object. Russian much different, French also, but any of that gets lost in translation so we'll stick to SVO structure and imagine random sequence(s) of adjective to describe subject, verb to undo our rejection of being, and object to formulate closure of idea. It goes like this: Optimal change [produces] conversation to create roomy commitment to reaction. This sentence comprises subject, verb, object, twice over. I shall use this method of generating random SVO sequence to create formulaic meaning, as much as I can to meet my quota of content capable of philosophical abstraction and then see where we go from there.
Successful compensation relies upon version of striped, forbidden truth ( וְסַם ). Thick respect causes problems due to cultured generation of nature ( vivivi ). Limping from punishment we befriend one another and acidify various impressions ( 666 ). I could go on! It doesn't really make any sense but it follows our language rules close enough to produce meaning and it random I-Ching-like poetic form that I like to express to convey creativity. But what if verb came last? It would go like this: SOV – joyous marriage combines eminent suggestive picture. SVO clearly way to go with this! Let me begin my excursion from henceforth!

Jumbled – how apt! – recapitulated, jumbled shop site of proposal for loving campaign of mutual assistance. You see I add prepositions and some other frilly bits but I concern myself with creating "situation" in this exercise. Dorso continuo: SVO. One long paragraph! Starting from now ... let's see how imaginative we can get ...

Bashful dedications produce winners deeply incorporated with presence whilst peaceful telephones receive no complaints. As with play, so with life – not how long acting lasts what matters, but how good. This text performative. Demonstrative of play. Dorso continuo: ludic. Macabre prevention of government cares for top media, ugly guard woman. Womyn. Owning their misogyny expressed as misandry and guess what? I'll get blamed for acting role of MRA. Cluttered work may or may not produce theory. Soft and decorative employment of upbeat and overstretched girlfriends make for impartial consistency and efficiency, wait, I realise that paragraphy not yet continual and uninterrupted. Let's try again for second time to produce experiment with no breaks, but before we do let's reflect on sexual imagery of Lord Tennyson, since we attempt to get poetic heretofore: "Break, break, break, at the foot of thy crags, O Sea!" Crags stand for stones. Rendering something like, Break, break, break, at foot of thy stones, O Sea! Consider eggs stones, stones stars, blood veil.
Dorso continuo: uninterrupted poetry, since poetry more important in meaning than philosophy, like, ever.

Heavy confrontation taught me that it acceptable to await development whilst quiet alterity engenders distribution of sticky aims in such vapid writings, whilst I remain sore yet distinguished set apart by manner of speech, scientific in approach encouraged by resolution, fallacious permittance recommendations.

About as ludic as it gets before becoming inane; reason I wrote about vapid writings. Don't want to turn you off! But there method to madness. Allusion to Hebrew/Latin/Numerical characters alluded to poetic sequences made up of six word sentences. Abstraction possible after this construction(s). One more attempt at poetic abstraction before quota fulfilled.

Elated kicking on camera or stupid compliance to rules of certain lengths. Description of football, no? Ah, beautiful game. Better kind of ludic. But my point this: you can and do create scenario where possibility of interpretations follow on from poetic constructions. I love this game of meaning; such wonderful interplay between words! Pleasure of text, reading entertaining. More wholesome than shit-eating, sorry for reminding. Second-hand tape measure and borrowed TV make for lowly emphasis on awareness. Sound of ending of words produces rhyme corresponding to ß. But this previous sentence about poverty, clearly. Awareness of not owning anything, merely borrowing, emphasis on lowly status due to not owning possessions outright, commodified nonetheless. This why it better to have "no-thing" than to begin with something. Since, you cannot lose what you do not already possess; receive instead.

Murky dreams of advertisements become acceptable encounters with neon intentions. Intrinsically incubate unique sources to efficiently seize high standards in relationships. Five quacking zephyrs jolt my wax bed. 'Equal' substitute for deliberately ommitted words related to ontology; this whole text under influence of Anontology, rendering presence tense. Positivity of absence.

Monotheism pointed forward to capitalism; Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh ( יְהוָה ) itself market share in global brain. Unified population, greater than any in world at present, pledges its alliegence to symbol. Greater number than democracy, all facing same way. As angel who refused to bow down to Adam, first man, Islamic nation do not refuse to prostrate themselves to that very angel, its doctrine and its symbol.

Angel presents himself as Ismael and his symbol Ha'Makhumesh. Its doctrine independence from one true idea, union of Abraham and Sarah: phallic Yod of penetration; grasping Heh of consummation; mutual Vav of expectation, as if their ecstasy anticipated moment of conception; and again, Heh of breathy relief and conclusion; Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh, ha'shem.

Terence McKenna said: "Rome falls nine times an hour." Your average working day. Never another day like it. No day an average day. No alternative to life. Life. Absolutely fair no matter how you choose to experience it. Only experience I believe in: life. Only absolute I believe in: life. Flattening out hierarchies in favour of emerging filiarchies. First words of Biblical Gospel of John begin with beginning, this filiarchy then emerging in Greek wording of Έν άρχή, initiating filiarchy, like every revolutionary. Replaced eventually by dominating patriarchy. 325AD. One year later it went back to daddy. Civilisation and its discontents. These days, famous sports personalities get paid large sums, about same amount as gladiators and charioteers at fall of Roman Empire. Both features signal collapse of system. Post-capitalism. It needs an initiation.

I learned barbaric ancient words in order to effect this. This-and-that. Exploring dramatisation of my imagination. I don't know whether this effected any sort of initiation but it certainly gave me ideas above my station. Station in military garrison. Rejected by military forces of this nation due to extensive psychosis. Imagine, psychosis and guns! One would hedge bet that psychosis would perpare mind to excel in combat. No fear. Just cranial chemical overdose. Hitler ordered that German soldiers take amphetamine during WWII. Imagine tripping your tits off whilst manning maxim gun? If I can induce altered chemical states in natural way then I would reserve this for war-time. Exhausted after. Easy to deal with, though, depression. You just go to bed.

Dorso continuo: tendrils of spine run like dendrites through body. Spine of book, this text, we call Dorso, dendrites we refer to as words which bleed upon page like cellular nervous system. Describing literature as process of writing. French Poststructuralists Deleuze and Guattari described ecology of text as crystal or crystalline mass with branching treelike structure. Jew calls it Etz Haim. If you think about it, every time you read book you staring at dead tree whilst hallucinating. But, all text forms part of memetic structure that seeks either to entertain or persuade, but all kinds of persuasion entertains. I aim to do both, but, with caveat – to make believer consent to your wish. We do it always. This called Happiqotism. How to explain? I once lay in bed after certain ritual invoking. Voice came into my head. As it began to speak I thought back to time when I believed and followed tenets of Christianity, but, when, actually, dogmatism, believing in someone else's bullshit, actually empowers them. Manipulating each other. This essence of Happiqotism. Propagation of blind dogma to fool onlooker. Voice inside my head went like so: "ah, Haaapppiiiqqqoootttiiisssmmm." And scared shit out of me.

Novelty increases exponentially, towards Big Crunch, Timewave Zero, smaller and smaller epochs approaching subsequent Big Bang of which it had at least infinite predecessors. Female orgasm. Female orgasm gave birth. Female orgasm gave birth to each successive Big Bang, rippling through time. Zero-point-infinity singularity. Novelty approaches complexity. Complexity becomes ramified. They lied. Real primary colours, falsity in real primary school. Not red, yellow, and blue, not at all! Must remember this for next painting, with art tutor instructing: real primary colours, in fact, yellow, magenta, and cyan! It produces rich mixtures. On canvasses. Qabalic dimensions lie below. What else lies below? Just another Muslim mother lying below because of War On Terror. Her explicity remains anonymous, her children remain homeless, in refugee camp wilderness.

We all consume shit, when you think of it. That what drives it. My expression in acting that out literally comprises reaction to this over-consumption and identity commodification. In Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club, when character Tyler Durden asks Jack (or, Narrator), "what does that make us?" to which Jack replies, "consumers?" And Tyler Durden confirms, "right." But, I never been in fight. Flawed logic, too. All truth told, I feel old. Like Bukowski not getting published until after past it. Dorso continuo: subsequent a priori afterthought apropos quote by Frank Miller, "The goddess takes no lover," nomino musa mater matuta, domestic and statuesque, "she makes slaves of men." Let your pain set you free. Obscurity embraces me; even if this memoir manifesto of my own personal explicity, reputation of my name and its exploits. Sexploits! I do not agree with this "Intersectionality." Discrimination as diversity but we should aim for sort-of neurounity.

It ends how it begins. This just note-to-self, really. To finish my story. End of Ayah. I read many books but still do not know what to believe. So I stop to believe. Reprieve. Cultural impasse. Hot piece of ass! And Post Malone's broken whiskey glass. I do not believe in anything, including my ritual invoking and vowing. Facebook "tag groups" demonstrate meta-narrative. Perhaps I can know inclination to invest in meta-narratives. I do not fucking know what I deserve now if "true love" that unhealthy.

Pro-Union movement practically non-existent. Work-place intervention ensures old age pension.

Cortegial sequence as occasional occurrence demonstrating eternal return, this condition of recurring dark illumination. Rotational accumulation operation manufactures concessionary cancer reborn as locales in which marriage categories quintessential to attraction improves all conditioning. Origin captured by modernity produces explicity, meaning true name, of candidacy for driving forward this 21st Century, especially notable 21st Century Philosophy such as this poetry. We lead this century's philosophy by focusing terms and conditions of my retirement into analytic improvement. Idiot Savant! Psychotic epidoses historical and cyclical, designating record of process art. Contradictory approach control congenital confused engineering to almost total number of organisational warning amounting to knowledge chosen for its detail. Gloomy frightening photographs, ultraconservative stimulating songs, backward approval explains self-evident revelations; self-confirming enlightenment feeds on itself periodically in confrontation with mood. Requirement of identification resolution enlightens my alcoholic reservations. Different exhaustion television evasive purchase enthusiasm, intelligence shines envious. Gradual spillage perspectives.

Thou art, here, in receipt of notion that silent individuals float by and their fortunes bestowed upon them whilst they receive assistance through investment, in manner of speaking, causing intervention and its application positioned in remembrance of love. Within this state of affairs awakens variations of psyche, similarly able to identify that which analyses them, which with respect to their foundations, zero advance communicates my ability to speak about all this, stymied by incoherence(s), of course.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

O.K. Ontological Kapital.

O.K.  "Ontological Kapital."

"The magician of the future will use mathematical formulas." - Aleister Crowley.

מחיים אותו
עצמו אותו

  We start by saying the subject corresponds to the predicate.
  Kapital [is] ontological.
  Here is an a priori philosophy which is mathematical.

  a = b

  To deepen our understanding of Kapital we further equation.

  a² = ab
  a² + a² = a² + ab
  2a² = a² + ab
  2a² - 2ab = a² + ab - 2ab
  2 (a² - ab) = 1 (a² - ab)

  The equation is of the dimensions of Kapital.
  a²  Kapital has two dimensions.
  ab [is] being.¹

  ¹.  [presence implies being]: we will dissolve this being once the being has considered its presence.

  a² = ab

  The two dimensions of Kapital which constitute the essential substance of Kapital is an assemblage of essence to essence.

  a² + a² = a² + ab

  The two dimensions of Kapital [exist]² joined to each other rendering the two dimensions of Kapital as joined.

  ².  Once again, presence implies being.

  2a² = a² + ab

  The two dimensions of Kapital [are] brought together in the centre by the same networked system of organization constituting the interior and exterior of Kapital.  In this way, Kapital has an interior and an exterior.  The centre [is] to the interior of its [being], the environment [is] to the exterior of its [being].  The centre holds the structure whilst the environment [is] what [is] surrounding.

  2a² - 2ab = a² + ab - 2ab

  The sentience of the centre [is] linked to the sentience of its surrounding region to the substance of the [being] of Kapital.  Sentience [is] the substance of how we make a living, especially in the commercial world where we [are] increasing the body of Kapital.  The larger the body of Kapital, the better its ability to support us.

  2 (a² - ab) = 1 (a² - ab)

  The interior of Kapital [is] renewable: the flux of the sign, its symbolic exchange.  The exterior of Kapital [is] fixed: value.  As I have said elsewhere, it seems pertinent here to cite, the terrorism of value eradicates [being].  Values compose certain laws in accordance with the principle that governs reality.  The values to prove that Kapital [is] ontological are indeed 2 = 1.  The two dimensions of Kapital indeed form a structure.  Even if the difference exists in our conceived notions of these dimensions, they conform not only to the other, but confirm the other.

  Now, if we say that the subject does not correspond to the predicate then we can create a contradiction to draw the lines of a syllogism.  All we have to do [is] reverse the equation.

  Values clash with each other to create the differences between the numbers.

  1 (ab + a²) ≠ 2 (ab + a²)

  So, the reverse must share a similar truth, in a certain sense.  Say, the interior of Kapital [is] static, the sign [is] not³ exchangeable.  Then the exterior of Kapital is in flux: the value [becomes] exchangeable.

  ³.  "is" [becoming] "if" ...

  What happens to the law of value in correspondence with the principle of reality?

  What happens when it corresponds to hyperreality?

  Hyperreality [is] the simulation of current reality.  The simulation and the code of hyperreality absorb our knowledge of reality.  The principle below reality [is] not up to date.  Now we [are] governed by simulation.  The simulacrum replaces ideology; the disappearance of the purposes by which we [are] nourished.  The system by which we currently live - the contemporary epoch, the digital age, the age of simulation - delights us with its hegemony of simulacra.  The sequence occurs when the law of value corresponds to hyperreality.  All denominations of value - truth, purpose, meaning, production - [are] swallowed up by the flux of signs floating around the exterior of Kapital while the inner sign (or, from inside the sign) [is] fixed.  "The rest is a universal simulation world in which capital functions as a gigantic devaluation machinery."⁴

  ⁴.  Huyssen, A. (1989)  "In The Shadow of McLuhan: Jean Baudrillard's Theory of Simulation."  Assemblage, No. 10; p. 16.

  The sign attached to its core [is] its absolute, its universal.  The flux of signs that emanate from a fixed sign [are] the peculiarities of Kapital.  Back to isolated symbolic forms:

  2ab - ab + a² ≠ 2ab + 2a²

  The substance surrounding the sentience of Kapital disconnects from the center of its sentience.

  ab - a² ≠ 2a²

  The external and internal dimensions of Kapital mirror each other to produce an identity between the exterior and the interior.

  The surrounding [is] not containing everything except the definition of Kapital's [being].  Surrounding the surrounding [is] nothing.

  a² - ab ≠ a² - a²

  The separation of the singular dimension of Kapital, its totality, distinguishes its two overlapping dimensions, its duality, vis-à-vis, its capacity for rationality, which means the two dimensions of Kapital which [are] intertwined can also exist as two separate entities in their own right⁵.

  ⁵.  "own right," own way.

  ab ≠ a²

  The two essences that make up the distinct substance of Kapital, these two essences [are] distinct.  They are two distinct "epistemes" that make up the Logos⁶ of a singular '-ontos⁷.

  ⁶.  "conditional liberty," the agency behind the word.
  ⁷.  Ontos: singular; entity; ontology.

  In the words of Michel Foucault, we have created "a naive model, a partial and insufficiently generalized sketch of a more abstract, or more powerful theory, or existing at a higher level "retracing" proximities, dependencies, subordinations, progressive formalizations and general self-wrapping."⁸

  ⁸.  Foucault, M. (1989)  The Archaeology of Knowledge.  Oxon: Routledge; p. 209.

  What we are trying to do [is] "to reveal a whole series of differences, relationships, gaps, changes, independence and autonomy in the analysis of the episteme."⁹  An episteme of Kapital [is] an essence of Kapital, the structure of the form which [is] relative to the other by means of it being identical.  An episteme of Kapital imposes on the other episteme of Kapital the same standards, the same general scene of reason, and the same structure of thought, only by means of an inversion.¹⁰

  ⁹.  Ibid., pp. 210-11.
  ¹⁰.  Ibid., p. 211.

  An essence of Kapital [is]: "The total set of relationships that unite to manifest the sovereign unity of a subject, the set of relationships that can be discovered that opens up an inexhaustible field to cover an indefinite field of relationships.  A constantly moving set of joints, offsets, and coincidences that are established, to give rise to others.  The analysis of the episteme questions its existence."¹¹

  ¹¹.  Ibid., p. 211-12.

  Now, if we say that the subject is relative to the predicate then we can create a subordinate of the contradiction to continue drawing the lines of the syllogism, like the square of opposition.

  ab ≈ a²

  The Logos of Kapital [is] the replication of the sign of Kapital.  The sign [is] replicated when there [is] a corresponding meaning between the two essences; one essence must correspond to the other essence to form an ontological structure.  The ontological structure then becomes the carrier sign.  In this way, when the two epistemes combine to make a single structure, the ontological carrier sign, then the ontological carrier sign can become its own distinct episteme.  It [is] then part of a larger structure which [is] brought together by a large ontological attractor.

  Thus, the case [is] not that Kapital [is] in two dimensions (a²), in itself, but that its two dimensions, uniting essences, or epistemes, [are] linked to the increasing capacity of its ontology (a x b).

  a² - ab ≈ a² - a²

  If the sign of Kapital can reproduce to [be] part of a larger structure, then the sign of Kapital can also separate from the ontological sign to reduce the overall meaning of the sign-carrier and produce differentiation.  This process allows for a means of exchange which will take place according to the flux of signs.  If the Kapital grows, its ontological structure [is] greater due to the repetition of the signs and their movement towards a greater attractor in even greater numbers.  This floods the plane of meaning with homogeneity.  When the duplication of signs has reached its critical limit, there [is] no more space available for variance, and for Kapital to remain abundant, it requires the resource of variation, much like the choice of consumers (or better stock options).

  When the ontological structure has reached its maximum capacity for the meaning of the same model then the ontological structure must self-regulate to make room to guarantee exchange.

  A separation of the essence from the substance allows difference.

  Difference allows variance.  And the variance allows the entirety of Kapital to recover heterogeneity in the ontological.  The two-dimensionality of Kapital - the area where signs can either duplicate and repeat or separate and reduce themselves - this two-dimensionality of Kapital relates to its ability to respond to its ontology.

  ab - a² ≈ 2a²

  The ontological structure of Kapital [is] singularly epistemological despite being two-dimensional. The duplication of the sign of Kapital, contained in the aspect of the part which is unidimensional, during the replication and transferred to the aspect of the two dimensions, the duplication of the sign of Kapital [is] relative towards the domain of the aspect of functional Kapital.  The sign of Kapital [is] in flux outside the ontological structure.  The interior of the structure is empty and has been emptied of all meaning to make space available for reinscription and the start of a new stage of meaning.

  2ab - ab + a² ≈ 2ab + 2a²

  The ontological structure of Kapital, when emptied of meaning, [is] relative to this identical structure, the structure after having undergone its own duplication which creates a vacuum which [is] filled containing the variation of meaning.  The first episteme which constitutes ontological Kapital [is] redundant while its relative episteme has become abundant.  Redundancy increases in proportion to abundance as signs [are] either expelled by the void from the centre of the structure to colonize the exterior or pulled towards the centre to form the larger, more concentrated structure, which [is] built by the centripetal attractor.

  1 (ab + a²) ≈ 2 (ab + a²)

  Exchange at the heart of the ontological structure of Kapital [is] relative to exchange outside the structure.  The relation of the interior sign of ontological Kapital the exterior sign of ontological Kapital [is] that of value; the first [is] fixed and the second [is] in motion.  These signs [are] linked to each other through the equivalence of value.  The universal [is] what makes Kapital ontological.  There [are] characteristics of Kapital and their variance giving the difference of Kapital.  Definitely, if we pose that there [is] a fundamental difference between the subject and the predicate then we can create a final subordinate to join all the lines of the syllogism, to make complete the square of opposition.

  2 (a² - ab) ∂ 1 (a² - ab)

  To observe Kapital as a partial differential, to what makes it equal, [is] to dismantle the structure which [is] ontological.  This indicates the parts of its total, as opposed to the visualization of the structure as the sum of its components, which causes it to become anontological, the partial anontological difference of Kapital.  If we remove from ontological Kapital the capacity of its sign to rotate, its capacity for duplication-repetition or separation-reduction, the sign disappears and becomes non-existent and the [being] of Kapital becomes latent.  The only ontological substance of Kapital differs from its two epistemes in that two essences cannot combine unless a constant revolution of the sign is inherent in Kapital.

  2a² - 2ab ∂ a² + ab - 2ab

  The variance [is] produced in the ontological domain, to return to the formula of the interior and the exterior.  Meaning within the ontological structure of Kapital and the meaning on the surface of its ontological structure generates an amplified domain of meaning.  This has the ability to either manifest or eliminate signs according to its own duplication-repetition process or separation-reduction process.

  2a² ∂ a² + ab

  The capacity of the ontological domain of duplicity [is] based on the tendency to identify the Kapital of ontology with its constitutive system of epistemology.  If the structure can reproduce, it relies on the aspect of Kapital which [is] two-dimensional to acquire the model of meaning which proliferates thus making the Logos of Kapital transferable.

  ab + a² ∂ a² + a²

  When the two essences, or epistemes, [are] conjoined to make a substance - a substance which is made up of the partial difference - when the two essences [are] conjoined to make a substance, this [is] what [is] signified by the sign-carrier of the ontological structure of Kapital, the variance [is] again recognized in the differences between the values which are fixed, according to the static signs and the values which are exchangeable, according to the signs which are in movement.

  a² ∂ ab

  The ontological structure of Kapital produces variance so, between inside and outside, the difference can [exist] which allows the flotation, reinterpretation, and rewriting of signs to create constantly changing values, values which not only form a body, a body of epistemology, but a body of epistemology which describes Kapital and its ontology.

  The next logical step would [be] to take Kapital and its ontology and apply it to the society governed by Kapital.  What we [are] in the business of advancing [is] the concept of its dimension.

  a = c

  The society governed by Kapital [is] represented by hyperreality.

  a³ = ac
  a³ + a³ = a³ + ac
  3a³ = a³ + ac
  3a³ - 3ac = a³ + ac - 3ac
  3 (a³ - ac) = 1 (a³ - ac)

  a³ : The society governed by Kapital [is] represented by a multidimensional character in layers.

  ac [is] hyperreality.

  In the view of the realistic objective, the theoretical models which [are] defined can share the way in which the society governed by Kapital [is] structured.  This [is] the aspect of hyperreality, the mode of society which [is] linked to other conceptual systems and [are] a basic principle of philosophical realism.

  a³ = ac

  The phenomenal view of hyperreality [is] represented by a conceptual system as such, a grid that [is] three-dimensional.  In this way, it reflects the multidimensional layered character of the Kapital-governed society.  The structure of hyperreality [is] an extension and projection of the society governed by Kapital.  Hyperreality represents the objects of Kapital as well as their relationships to each other.

  a³ + a³ = a³ + ac

  Organisms, layered multidimensional structures, inherent in other entities, layered multidimensional structures whose properties consist of an ideal form of Kapital.  Each form which emanates from the one ideal form represents objects of Kapital which imitate a certain aspect of the ideal correspondence for the absolute sign of Kapital, an emanation of the hyperrealist.  In this way, hyperreality includes layered multidimensionalities; The personalities who interact with Kapital.

  3a³ = a³ + ac

  These interacting personalities, multidimensionalities, layers of Kapital, [are] networking singularities that decode and recode the values of signs, flux signs, which exchange around the nodes in local networks to transmit a modified signal of the code inside other singularities.  It is that the critical theorist, Jean Baudrillard, calls social flows.  All of these networking peculiarities include the special properties of "communicative capitalism."  The hyperrealistic dimension contains the absolute sign, an emanation of the consumption process, constituting its simulacrum, an algorithm of the reality of simulation.

  3a³ - 3ac = a³ + ac - 3ac

  Hyperreality has no place in a singular dimension; unidimensionality is not nodal but it always transmits a signal.  A social flow requires harmony and reciprocity.  The interacting personalities of the Kapital-governed society enlarge the simulated dimension when a critical mass of signs appreciate in value again modifying the signal.  A return to the multidimensional [is] a return to the nodal where social flows [are] unstable.  The absolute sign of Kapital depreciates as the values inherent in the process of consumption also depreciate with it.

  3 (a³ - ac) = 1 (a³ - ac)

  The layers of the society governed by Kapital and its multidimensionality [are] built on the restructuring of reality, its change of form in the simulated construction of hyperreality.  The shape of the structure presents an active behaviour which [is] of the environment, according to the symbolic exchange of Kapital, but also of the organization, affected by the flow of signs emanating from inside and outside floating.  Each sign [is] met by its sign equivalent to nodal points of the singularity in the multidimensionality of the grid; an economic valence of interchangeability.  In the words of Jean Baudrillard: "This structure ... will no longer be directly linked to a more or less pre-assigned pre-inventory state, but analyzed as an element of social [Kapital] tactics" whether individual or bodily, "Which in a larger structure can then coincide with other aspects"¹² of what makes it total.

  ¹².  Baudrillard, J. (1981)  For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign.  Telos Press; pp. 35 - 36.

  Again, if we say that the subject does not correspond to the predicate then we can create a contradiction to trace the lines of the syllogism.

  Again, all we have to do [is] reverse the equation.  Let's see how the reverse brings its own truth.

  1 (ac + a³) ≠ 3 (ac + a³)

  Through a process of reorganization, the society governed by Kapital, due to its artificial nature, retains the ability to deconstruct its multidimensional nature from the environment, transfer of layers to other constituent structures, from the emanation of its centrality, an alternative movement by coding and recoding of signs to its exteriority.  It [is] impossible to design any other structure, except for the sign that Kapital [is] located beneath.  A valence of signs makes Kapital nodal.  Its equivalence makes it fair.  How [is] Kapital social?  Hyperreality [is] its totality, the network of nodal singularity, the flow of signs [is] the corporality of society governed by Kapital, its body, while personal exchange [is] contained at the level of its individuality.

  3ac - ac + a³ ≠ 3ac + 3a³

  If Kapital [is] independent of the human spirit, does Kapital have a spirit of its own?  Does it have its own mind in the sense of its property rights over the minds of its subjects?  We work on the assumption that knowledge of Kapital depends on human and social constructions.  Kapital takes on an independent form of mind, but cannot be accessed through the mental constructs attributed to it.  So is it malleable?  Kapital [becomes] the abstract object of its own contemplation.  It gains its own plenipotenitial construction from a combination of its network of social constructions.

  Kapital belongs to the paradigm where properties and relationships contain copies of particular objects.  The details of Kapital, like money, surplus, or value, for example, even extending to power and its symbol - that which conceals the ephemera - participate in its form.  Material Kapital [is] simply a copy of ideal Kapital; everything invested in the ideal can manifest itself in the real, a reality of materiality descending from ideality, the warehouse of hyperreality, where Kapital [is] always present, but its forms [are] transient, moving along the copy upon the copy.  What [is] in flux must become what [is] fixed and what [is] fixed must go in flux; together a cycle of ideal material [becoming] Kapital [is] once again returning to the ethereal.

{ Unfinished manuscript } 



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