Sunday, March 28, 2021

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Ismus places himself amidst the hostile to hegemony, rallies infidelity to monotony.  

Anthropos at the centre, Ismus stalking around the outskirts.  

Ismus attributes human characteristics to humans.  When Ismus sees an inanimate object, such as a jug, or spoon, Ismus condemns the jug's sloth for being so ornamentally sedate and the gluttony of the spoon!  

{places the spoon inside of the jug}  

Ismus, already notèd for his penchant for the use of the word absolutely can be known to say it most when a fund of people gather together to oppose the political doctrine of absolute rule.  

The Dictator.  

Ismus was falsely accusèd as the initiator of Antiblackism.  This was merely a reaction by ultraleft-wing-orthodox-brown-eyed-people, covetous of his affection for the Albino race which Ismus created from his lack of colour.  

Everyone has red eyes in a photo.  

In fact, Ismus was never anti anything.  Not anticapitalist, nor anticlerical, neither: anticolonial, anticommercial, anticommunist, antielitist, antirevolutionist, antifascist, antifeminist, antiferromagnetist, antihumanist, antiliberalist, antimaterialist, antimilitarist, antinepotist, antinomianist, antiquarianist, antiracist – … hey, I might not agree with this one, says Ismus, but I have seen your sons and daughters die for the rights of the White Supremacist to enjoy his views and the Black Panthers to call each other N**gers … – antiradicalist, antirationalist, antirealist, antireductionist, antiritualist, antiromanticist – … heaven knows why they exist! – and antiterrorist … … if I was, remarks Ismus, they wouldn't exist, get the jist?  

In fact, Ismus has been present at all the demonstrations to oppose these groups.  Ismus encounters his twin sister, the archetypal goddess Aphor.  

Vanity of vanities!  All is vanity.  What is not is not counted.  

Ismus accidentally gave birth to the notion of apocalypticism due to a love for the sound of alarm clocks.  

The promptness of it!  

Ismus became addictèd to the look of fear in people's eyes as they were rudely awoken from their peaceful slumber, but because Ismus had to present himself before the alarm went off and his ethereal presence began to interfere with their dreams.  Visions of the end of the world aboundèd and were suddenly realizèd with primal fear at the jolt of 6.30AM.  Before that, anyone who was thought to predict the end of the world was just plain crazy!  

While everybody was caught worrying about the end Ismus was hatching a plan to avert the ontological mistake.  Ismus couldn't help but notice a Western trend of travelers searching for that most elusive rite of awakening.  They didn't really know what they were looking for or where they were going so he sent them to the Amazonian jungles to be initiatèd by the shaman-peoples.  Once set into an hallucinogenic trance Ismus appeared to them in a pixie form to reveal to them the beginning of the end and so the Archaic Revival was born in their hearts and minds.  Doomsday avertèd.  

When Ismus saw what that Pythagoras was up to with the wicked mathematical cult and their crude angles, Ismus cursèd them all with muteness.  History would come to vindicate the phenomena as Pythagorean wisdom, the vow of silence, and the secret society.  

{successfully invoking a deity}

Just like the alarm clock incidents Ismuses meddling had had repercussions.  People meeting in secret to undermine the open society botherèd Ismus so he had had to present himself at every clandestine fellowship since the days of Pythagora.  This weighèd in heavy on Ismuses busy schedule.  In order to lighten his workload Ismus sent in the most beautiful of foreign women as moles to the conspirators to intermarry and have families which would assimilate the deceptive dogmas when their children would demand that they go to public school.  

Whenever Ismus caught somebody being too reflective or introspective he would ruin the succession of memories, especially the most happiest of ones with a sudden realization that they had to be up super early on Monday morning.  

°5.30AM° thinks Ismus …  

{rubbing hands with glee}  

And every time a businessperson instructèd a lawyer to write a contract and the lawyer markèd a clause with an asterice Ismus would cry, What type of thaumaturgy does this!  

– while witnessing another celestial body flee from its constellation.  

Out of space and onto the spare page!  

However, the main consequence of the Archaic Revival cover-up by Ismus happenèd to be an evolutionary throwback where human fetuses were showing signs of growing tails!  As if the reptilian brain wasn't bad enough.  Ismus began to realize that every cause had a reaction and the Taoists were his least favourite espousal.  

The Atheos sect were always Ismuses favourite espousal.  It simply meant that Ismus didn't have to bother with them.  They could be left to their own devices.  


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